Digital transformation for intelligent built environments

what we do

An end to end IoT Solution Provider

The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming our future through intelligent devices and sensors integrated with cloud computing for rich data that translates into meaningful business intelligence.


Computing devices, sensors and applications are the center of IoT Strategy. The ability for IoT data to provide core insights, is what drives smart cities together with improved commercial and residential environments.

Our technology offerings of sensors and data collection devices are at the epicenter of any IoT solution and can be deployed across multiple industries.

cloud computing

Whether it be a Public, Private or a Hybrid Cloud solution. We have partnered with some of the leading industry experts in cloud technology in order to provide an end to end solution to our clientele.

At the forefront of our implementations is to ensure cost reduction of IT deployments and infrastructure, by leveraging cloud based solutions and providing a clear ROI.

Data Analytics

Aggregate, Analyze, Act forms the core principles of our Data Analytics platform. The ability to aggregate and visualise data at the edge, provides real time insights within business and  consumer environments.

Our Data Analytics solution enable’s key decision making in regard to business optimization and operational efficiencies


Digital Transformation and cloud migration is driving the need for increased security within business environments. Enforcing a Cybersecurity Policy should be at the forefront of any business digital strategy in order to mitigate business vulnerability and risk, in relation to company data. Through our assessment phase, we are able to define short and long term risk that a business might encounter and recommend solutions in order to mitigate or eliminate these risk.

Industries that we serve


Industry Trends

Case Studies

IBM Security

Got an IoT  project  in mind?

Looking for  Mobile Computers, Scanners, Printers & Wearables

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